Sunday 16 January 2011

Golden Globes

Tonight I have set my self a challenge. I am planning to watch the Golden Globes for the first time. This is a challenge as it is on a 1am where I live. I am going to try and blog throughout the nite. Tune back for updates!!

Tuesday 11 January 2011

Oscars are coming - Reviews of The Tourist, True Grit and 127 Hours

Award season is in full swing and there is plenty of movies to catch up on before the Oscars in March. So me and my beloved decided to have a bit of the film fest this weekend.

I had to travel to a cinema in Solihull to see the first film as it was on playing at the Odeon in Coventry, which is not a nice cinema.

127 hours

A brilliant film. Extremely well shot for what is pretty much a one man show. Danny Boyle stuns once again. James Franco was amazing, I think he is a unappreciated talent.

On Sunday we decided to have a lazy day and watched two movies back to back and ate about two backs of wine gums:

True Grit

A good old fashioned western from Coen brothers. A well told tale and a fantastic performance from Hailee Steinfeld.

The Tourist

Not the usual high fayre drama you expect to see from Jolie and Depp. But this is a fun movie all the same. It does have a fun twist and keeps you entertained throughout.

Still a lot of movies to see. Up next is Black Swan or The Fighter or Kings Speech or Blue Valentine. I can't decide, I will fill you in next week.

Wednesday 5 January 2011

New Years Resolution

Happy New Year.

It is a new year and with every new year comes new year resolutions.

In 2010 I vowed to learn how to drive. I accomplished that one. Now in 2011 my first resolution in to actually pass my driving test!

I have came along way in 2010, after 40 lessons I am nearly at test standard. But due to a unreliable instructor, I am having to change driving schools at this late stage. I just hope it doesn't gold me back.

Others resolutions for 2011 include

  • Losing a few pounds (actual weight, not £10 notes from my purse)
  • To make further steps forward with my career
  • Pass IDM in Digital Marketing
  • Travel more
  • Exercise more
  • And one that I wont be telling anyone.
I have to start this year off the best I can, with the best of intentions. With all the birds falling out the sky, fishes turning up dead and crabs washing up on shore, I think it is best to try and keep a positive point of few.

Friday 17 December 2010

Little Miss Shy

It is not easy to suffer from the disease of being shy. It is a disease that needs to be fought everyday, no matter what the challenges.

Some days will be better than others, some will be worse.

Just gotta keep fighting and stay strong. Whatever happens next at least I know I tried my best today and gave it my best shot.

Nativity - A Film Review

This was a film I was interested in seeing as it was filmed at in my home town of Coventry and was also filmed at my old primary school.

It was a cute quirky film with good performances from the schoolchildren. However there really wasn't much else to this film and it was stupidly far fetched at times.

However if you want a no brainer Christmas film to watch with the family, then this is probably suitable fayre.

Two stars

The Switch - Review

The Switch is about a woman who decides to have a child through a sperm donor and who's best friend decides to swap it with his own.

This film was not quite a comedy and not quite a drama. But it worked for me.

The acting was fine, but there was a scene stealing performance from Thomas Robinson who plays Jennifer Aniston's son.

It will not be everyone's cup of tea as it has a quirky undertone. But worth a watch.

Three stars

Thursday 9 December 2010

Cough cough cough...

I was starting to believe flu jabs worked after getting off quite lightly the past couple of years.

I am now stuck here in my pyjamas (at 2.30pm) with tissues and blanket coughing and sneezing away. The cats are seriously taking advantage of my drowsy state.

The only plus side is I do have a few chick flicks stacked up to watch and sick days are the only ones where you can spend all day in your pyjamas guilt free.

Fingers crossed I recover for the weekend.